The executive board of 12 members leads decision-making in the KY Foundation. The board consists of both, student and advisory members. The advisory members are top professionals in their fields of asset and real estate management and help ensure that the Foundation’s assets are managed in the best possible way. To ensure the Foundation keeps the students’ best interest at heart, the Board is overseen by the Supervisory Council which is made up of KY Association’s representative council members. The Supervisory Council elects the members of the foundation board and elects the chair as well as the auditor annually.
The Foundation also employs a Managing Director Arttu Lääkkölä, who oversees the day-to-day operations.
The Executive Board
Weixin Niemi (Chair)
Mikael Laine (Vice-chair)
Antti Huotari
Erika Tikka
Hector Björklund
Ira van der Pals
Juho Ollanketo
Lotta Sjöberg
Markus Laine
Meeri Korpi
Otso Lammi
Valtteri Häkkinen
The Supervisory Council
Eelis Arokoski (Chair)
Edit Lahtinen (Vice-chair)
Managing Director
Arttu Lääkkölä
Investment and Finance Committee
Erika Tikka
Antti Huotari
Ira van der Pals
Juho Ollanketo
Valtteri Häkkinen
Weixin Niemi
Real Estate Committee
Weixin Niemi
Lotta Sjöberg
Markus Laine
Hector Björklund
Juho Ollanketo
Meeri Korpi
Otso Lammi
Valtteri Häkkinen
Executive Committee
Weixin Niemi
Hector Björklund
Juho Ollanketo
Meeri Korpi
Otso Lammi
Valtteri Häkkinen
Working groups
Subsidies Committee
Meeri Korpi
Otso Lammi
Ella Kuhalampi
Emma Karppinen
Milla Äikää
Tuukka Koivisto
Administrative documents
KY Foundation's governance is based on the Finnish law for foundations (487/2015) and the Foundation's own bylaws. In addition, as KY Foundation is a member of the Association of Finnish Foundations, it follows their guideline on good governance practices.
Annual report and financial statements