Donations to the KY Foundation
You can be a part of supporting the societal, social, professional and intellectual goals of students in the Aalto University School of Business through making a donation to the KY foundation.
Donations to the KY foundation are used for the annual and project related subsidies that are paid for the KY association (KY ry) and other associations under it. Subsidies are used to financially support Aalto University Business students’ leisure activities, cultural and sports events, as well activities that support students' wellbeing. In addition, donations are used for the operative costs of the Kylteri Magazine.
If you wish to make a donation to KY Foundation, please contact our Managing Director. The contact information can be found here.
Money collection permit to the Foundation for Business Students in Aalto University was granted by the National Police Board of Finland on 17 July 2024: permit number RA/2024/1122, valid until 1 January 2025. Note that in accordance with § 57 of the income tax law, donations by corporations can be tax deductible.